Thursday, August 23, 2012

The Shock of the New - Robert Hughes

The late Robert Hughes addresses modern art, starting with the eiffel tower as an emblem of the modern age, built late in the 19th century. Hughes has original ideas on modern art; he doesn't just repeat all the textbook cliches. Each of the 8 one hour programs place the art into different historical contexts, bringing out how they are part of the larger cultural context. For anyone interested in modern art, its worth a view.

However, unlike "Civilization" with Kenneth Clarke, this series loses steam as it goes along. As Hughes notes painting and sculpture become less important as the 20th century progresses and its really hard to maintain interest when he starts discussing "Pop Art" "Surrealism" and art in general after say 1930. But the first 4 programs are very good.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

The Ghost and Mr Chicken (1966)

Excellent Don Knotts star vehicle, full of great supporting characters, a surprisingly good script, and a brilliant film score. Standouts among supporting actors include Liam Redmond as "Mr Kelsey" and Ellen Corby as "Neva Tremaine".

A low budget affair (nothing more than a TV movie) designed to cash in on Don's "Barney Fife" popularity.  A classic example of "termite art".

And they used Bon Ami!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Breaking Bad Season 1

Pros: Great acting by Cranston, Solid direction
Cons: Too much Fantasy and unrealistic situations and actions

Plot: A HS Chemistry Teacher with an expectant wife and disabled son learns he has terminal cancer. He then decides to sell meth to provide for his family.

Breaking bad follows the now standard TV formula of combining the crime underworld, family drama,  with some good writing & acting on the side.  There's enough "Cool" explosions, violence and thrills   to attract the young males while everyone else will tune in for Cranston's fine acting and the family tragi-comedy.  For what it is, Breaking bad is very good, but  a lot of the plotting is predictable and every character is either unlikable, a loser, or depressed.  I enjoyed it, but skipped around a lot.