Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Louie TV Show 2010-2015

I started Louie with no preconceptions. While I’d heard of C.K. Louis, I’d never seen one second of his comedy act. After seeing his TV show, I’m somewhat impressed. Not by his stand-up, but by his ability to write, direct, and star in some good television. Unfortunately this good TV is scattered among a lot of very bad TV. I’ve never seen a more uneven TV series. Or, one that required a DVD player with a big FF button.

For the first three seasons, “Louie” uses a standard formula. We get three things: 1) A Louie Stand-up routine, 2) some comedy sketches (sometimes linked to a plot sometimes not), and 3) some low-key charming/serious scenes relating to Louis’ love life or kids. The problem is, I don’t find CK’s standup funny, and he’s not a good comic actor, which hampers his family and love life scenes. Further, there’s a relentless ugliness and vulgarity that started to wear me down. We’re talking constant profanity and vulgar jokes, along with some ugly on-location of shots of less than beautiful NYC. Compounding the problem is some bad casting. Some of the actors are good, but too many of them are like CK Louis himself aka homely and low on charm. The script often wants a character to be “Wacky” or humorously non-conformist (like Seinfeld’s characters) but the actors are just obnoxious. Nor do I want to see sex with two unattractive characters.

I should also mention the weird combination of PC and tiresome “Lets shock the Bourgeoisie ” vulgarity. We get far too many shots of Louie having sex, going the bathroom, and other such behaviors. Meanwhile, in a bit of PC casting Louie ex-wife is black, despite both daughters being white. We even get lectures on racism, as when Louie goes to Oklahoma and sets those rednecks straight.

But that’s on the negative side. On the positive side there are excellent funny moments in the series, showing CK is an excellent comedy writer. My favorite moments:

  • A Lawyer explains to Louie why he’ll have to pay a rich family $5 million
  • Louie tries to persuade his accountant to let him buy a $10 million mansion
  • Louie buys a motorcycle and ends up in the ER
  • A comic friend talks about committing suicide
  • Louie and the Girls go out trick or treating ( a rare serious sketch that works)
  • Every scene with Charles Grodin
  • A Grand-Aunt shows she’s not PC
  • J. Murray Abraham explains why Louie needs to see his Father over lunch
Top 10 Episodes:
  1. Late Show Part 3 ( Season 2)
  2. Late Show Part 2 (Season 2)
  3. Late Show Part 1 (Season 2)
  4. Something is Wrong (Season 3)
  5. The Model (Season 4)
  6. Daddy’s Girlfriend Part II (Season 3)
  7. Eddie (Season 2)
  8. Moving (Season 2)
  9. Bully (season 1)
  10. Double Date (Season 1)