Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Ziegfeld Girl (1941)

Plot:  In the 1920s, three young girls join the Ziegfeld Follies and find Fame and Tragedy
Stars: Judy Garland, James Stewart, Lana Turner, Heddy Lamar

Ziegfeld Girls has some great stars and great musical numbers, but I was often bored by the overlong (2 hours and 12 minute) often melodramatic story. And I kept wishing it was in color.  Turner and Garland steal the show.  Best musical numbers:
  • Garland - "I'm Always chasing Rainbows"
  • Garland - "Minnie From Trinidad".
  • Winnager and Shean - " Mr. Gallagher And Mr. Shean"

Thursday, September 21, 2023

Chinatown (1974)

Plot:  In 1930s Los Angeles,  a PI investigates the mysterious death of the LA Water Commisioner
Stars: Jack Nicholson, Faye Dunaway, John Huston, Diane Ladd

Chinatown has everything a great film-noir needs except wit, pacing, and action. Chandler wisecracks are missing and replaced by vulgar jokes. Memorable lines? None. Gone too is the sense of danger and excitement found in Double indemnity, Maltese Falcon, or The Big heat. Instead we get a film that is deliberate, sometimes slow to the point of dullness. The plot meanders; with too much focus on land deals and water rights. We even get a trip to the Owen’s Valley. And action? Well, we do get a knife to Nicholson’s nose, but mostly it’s just talk, talk, talk.

The film copies the old film noir’s -  but forgets what made them great. But it does improve on them, in some ways. The color photography is great. The acting is too, particularly Nicholson and Faye Dunaway. And movie tries to be more realistic.  Nicholson is no super-hero and no smarter than he should be.

But the greatest flaw is it exaggerates film-noir's “dark and gritty” aspect to the point of absurdity. If the older films had adultery, premarital sex, and (implied) homosexuality, Chinatown gives us not just incest, but double incest. If the old movie villains were cold-blooded gangsters and criminals, Chinatown gives us a villain who murders his own Son-in-law, and destroys entire Valleys. If the old films showed us police/poltical corruption,  this movie gives us the police shooting the Heroine to death (for no reason) and letting the Villain go off to make millions and commit incest.

Except for Nicholson and Dunaway, everyone is painted in dark colors, and the whole world is a black joke wrapped inside a pretentious riddle. “Forget it Jake, its Chinatown”. It’s quite a trip from Walter Neffs friendship with Keyes, or Marlow and Sam Spade getting justice.

But then the movie was made by Polanski, a man guilty of child rape, and who fled the USA to avoid punishment.  And has been applauded and showered with riches.  Maybe Noah Cross is a Polanski self-portrait.

Worst supporting actor
A tie between Polanski and John Huston. As a "hood", Polanski is no more menacing than a 12 y/o kid. Huston has a great voice/physical presence but can’t act. He’s Johnny one-note stone-face. Special mention goes to several clichéd “Hicks” and a Mexican boy on a horse.

Best Supporting Actor
Diane Ladd as “Ida Sessions”

Best quote
Evelyn Mulwray: Hollis seems to think you're an innocent man.
Jake Gittes: Well, I've been accused of a lot of things before, Mrs. Mulwray, but never that.

Worst Quote
A pointless 226 word racist “Joke” that had them rolling in the aisles in 1974

Best Scene
Nicholson’s first couple meetings with Dunaway

Worst Scene
In a campy scene worthy of SNL, Nicholson slaps the truth out of Dunaway. “She my daughter, She’s my sister,” She’s a topping and a floor wax! Special mention to two useless scenes: (1) Nicholson gets beat up by farmers and (2) talks to a child on horseback.

Low. Once you know the plot, and all the twists and turns, Chinatown seems even more padded out and slow then it did the first time. In fact, on 2nd watch, the movie is shown to be hollow and  souless.  A plot held together by bubble gum and toothpicks.  One begins to notice things.  Like what's the point of Nicholson wearing a bandage on his nose, or  the weird exaggerated  veils and outfits the women wear. And how dull so many scenes are, and how bad the supporting actors are. And how fake the film's version of 1930s LA is. It comes off as a 70s Hollywood copy of a 40s Hollywood copy of reality.

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Zardoz (1974)

Director John Boorman
Stars: Sean Connery, Charlotte Rampling.
Plot:  In the 23rd Century, a brutish trained killer finds his way into a community of bored immortals who've preserved humanity's achievements.

What Kael Thought:  A lushly photographed piece of twaddle....ideas skimmed off various systems of thought...a glittering cultural trashpile...the most fatuous movie since The Oscar... the passages between the laughs droop. 

A cult SF movie that is despised by  the majority of reviewers (5.6 IMDB rating).  Most find it absurd, others boring, and a few like it.  I found it very uneven, and I perfectly understand the low rating.  

The first act is boring and incomprehensible.  We get almost no dialogue, as we follow a half naked Sean Connery riding a horse, killing people, worshiping a floating stone head,  and being transported to the "Immortals" compound.  We have no idea what's going on - and what IS going on isn't that intresting. The whole section feels padded out and moves at a snails pace.  I'm sure most people never make it past the first 20 minutes.

But then it gets interesting.   In the second act, we learn Connery is amongst the "Immortals" who cant die and who are bored and can't have sex.  Connery is the subject of great interest and the next 45 mintues are quite engaging as we learn about this new society. It seems immortality isn't what its cracked up to be, and quite a few "Immortals" are unhappy.  And since its Sean Connery, quite a few are attracted to him. 

This is the best part of the movie,  beause the last act (35 minutes) is extremely drawn out.  We get a lot of chase scenes, people chanting and moaning,  weird cameras tricks and psychedelic special effects. And all to pad out the very simple plot:  Connery destroys the Vortex and brings death to the immortals.  The movie ends in a very cheesy scene, with "the exterminators" on horseback, coming in and killing all the immortals just like they had killed the "brutes" at the start.  Some of this is interesting but most of it is padding with no interesting dialogue. 

Summary:  I can see why most hate this movie and also why some like it. Its best seen on DVD, where you can FF past the boring, repetitive parts (which is to say about 50% of the movie).  The ideas behind the movie are derivitive but somewhat interesting,  and I'm sure clever people have read into the film more than what's actually there.  Boorman has some good things in the movie, but it needed a script doctor and bigger budget. 

Rewatchablity:  Low. Once you know the plot, a lot of the movie will be extremely boring. Probably the only way to rewatch would be to focus on Connery's interactions with Charlotte Rampling and Sara Kestelman and a few striking scenes and special effects.

Saturday, September 16, 2023

Cruising - 1980

Plot: A serial killer is wrecking havoc on the Manhattan Gay "Leather Scene". Al Pacino goes undercover to catch the murderer.

Starring Al Pacino and directed by Academy award winner William Friedkin, Cruising was panned by the critics and did modest business in 1980. Nominated for a "Razzi" it lost out to Can't Stop the Music. Today its seems fairly popular (over 27,000 IMDB Votes) but poorly rated (IMDB Rating 6.5).

Pluses: Acting. Karen Allen, Paul Sorvino, and Pacino are all exellent in their parts.  Also, there are a few good action scenes and some realistic* (if stomach turning) gore.

Minus: The screenplay and story are terrible. Repetitive, sluggish, and unengaging. No memorable dialogue. Supporting characters are forgettable. Take out the Gay angle and its a TV-movie of week. Or an episode of NYPD Blue.

All the characters are boring, even the serial killer**. The atmosphere is unappealing with constant shots of a "shocking " Gay club, full of unattractive men in leather and odd outfits. No one in the movie is likable, except Karen Allen.

Summary: This mediocre movie should be forgotten. Only watched today due the famous people involved and cultural politics.

* =  The realism doesn't apply to the skin color of the actors.  This is Woody Allen Manhattan where 95 percent of the people are white. 
** = Absurdly, despite taking place in NYC, the killer is a WASP college student from St. Louis!

Sunday, September 10, 2023

Dragnet 1967 - Season 3

This is probably the worst season of 1967 Dragnet. I only found about 8 episodes that are worth re-watching. Another 10 were unwatchable, and the rest were passable timewasters. At times, Dragnet season 3 seems like a public service program with episodes instructing people to not be bigoted, abuse  kids, or do drugs. We also get a lot of Pro-police propaganda, with Sgt Friday dueling with those who don't like "the fuzz". Or dull episodes about the inner workings of the police department like how (1) policewomen are trained or (2) the LA PD coordinates with the secret service . Solving crimes takes a backseat.

50 years later, this is very all dated and very boring.

On the plus side, Harry Morgan gets to show off his comedic talents, and Friday does solve a few crimes. Probably the best is Herb Mustin showing up as murder suspect. 

 Top Episodes:
  1. S0306 - The Boys investigate a muder - but the witnesses wont talk
  2. S0307 -  Friday/Gannon are assigned the Robbery Division Desk for a night
  3. S0312 -  Investigation of Police Brutality -  Adam 12 leads show up
  4. S0314 -  Herb Mustin is involved in Murder
  5. S0317 -  Friday is under suspicion for corruption
  6. S0320 -  A fraudster is cashing disability checks sent to dead people
  7. S0321 -  Someone is stealing comic books and movie memorabilia
  8. S0322 -  Friday/Gannon go undercover to break up an illegal gambling scam
Worst Episodes

S0301 -  Friday guests on a TV talk show with the topic "Who needs the police?"
S0303 -  Recruiting Blacks to the LA PD
S0304 -  Friday mans the command post when riots are forecast
S0308 -  Friday provides LA PD protection for the President
S0309 -  A reporter and Friday talk to Female police Cadets  
S0310 -  Small businessmen want to prevent crime - Friday helps out
S0311 -  Teens organize a club to stop drug use
S0313 -  Gannon /Friday attend a conference dealing with Predjudice
S0316 -  The boys help train a dog to sniff out MJ and other drugs
S0319 -  Friday lectures a Women's club about battered children